MBTI® Master Practitioner Credential Program

Welcome to the MBTI® Master Practitioner Credential Program.

This program serves those in the United States and Canada who seek to distinguish themselves by achieving an advanced level of knowledge related to psychological type and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment.

Obtaining this credential is achievable for those who are willing to commit to a deeper understanding of the MBTI instrument and how it is used to enhance people's lives.

The first step in the journey for becoming a type expert requires the successful completion of an MBTI® Certification Program. To learn more go to MBTI® Certification Program.

The professional benefits of becoming an MBTI® Master Practitioner are many but a very practical outcome is the ability to join the MBTI® Master Practitioner Referral Network. The Network is a stand alone website where business people and individuals seeking professional services can easily connect with Master Practitioners.

To learn more about all the program benefits go to How to Become a Master Practitioner.

This website also serves the expert training organizations and individuals that provide approved advanced training programs for those seeking the Master Practitioner credential.

If you are a principal in a training organization that offers advanced classes or programs using the MBTI assessment and would like to learn about how to be approved to offer continuing education credits for a specific program, go to How to Become a Program Provider.

For more information call 352.375.0630 or email